Erasmus+ Experiences
Erasmus+ Project KA 171 2023
The tenth edition of the Castelfranco Veneto Jazz Festival came to an end, and with it the splendid collaboration with professors Sebastian Martin Pascual and Alejandra Ines D’Agostino from the Universidad Nacional de las Artes in Beunos Aires (AR). Thanks to the Erasmus+ project, the lecturers were able to offer our students from the Electronic Music course a video mapping masterclass with Resolume Arena. Together with the students who participated in the workshop, they also took care of the visual accompaniment of the festival concerts, using video mapping techniques.
Erasmus+ KA 171 2022
11 – 19 June 2024
The mobility of teachers Victoria Tcacenco and Victoria Nikitcenko from the AMTAP Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts in Chişinău, Republic of Moldova has just ended successfully. The collaboration between the Agostino Steffani Conservatory, AMTAP and the National University of Arts in Kharkiv and the Tchaikovsky National Academy of Music in Ukraine will continue and grow thanks to the recent winning of the Ka 171 Call 2024 project.
Erasmus+ KA 131 2023
10-11 June 2024
The International Office on an Erasmus+ mission to the Gustav Mahler Privatuniversität für Musik in Klagenfurt, Austria. The meeting with Rector Roland Streiner, Vice-Rector Prof. Jakob Gruchmann-Bernau, and Director Prof. Peter Töplitzer produced excellent results in terms of a commitment to future collaborations between the two institutions within the framework of Erasmus+ and academic doctoral projects.
Kooperation Conservatorio “Agostino Steffani” di Castelfranco Veneto
Erasmus+ KA 171 2023
From 20 to 30 May 2024, we received a visit from the director and vice-director of the Conservatorio Superior de Música ‘Manuel de Falla’ in Bueno Aires, Argentina. The purpose of the visit was to define the international exchange policies between the two institutions within the KA 171 2023 project. The director, Prof. Marcos Puente Olivera, honoured us with a piano performance during his stay.
Erasmus+ students' concert
Here are some photos of the Erasmus+ concert held last night at Villa Barbarella. The students performed the pieces they studied during their mobility. The students come from the Eszterházy Károly Catholic University in Eger, Hungary, the Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) in Maputo, Mozambique, the Academia de Muzică, Teatru și Arte Plastice (AMTAP) in Chisinau, Moldova, and the Kharkiv I.P. Kotlyarevsky National University of the Arts in Ukraine.
Real Conservatorio Superior de Música “Victoria Eugenia” de Granada International Mobility Exchange
Violin teacher Emilia Ferriz Lozano and guitar teacher Alejandro López Márquez from the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música “Victoria Eugenia” de Granada, Spain, held an Erasmus masterclass at our Conservatory and participated in two splendid concerts organised for our prestigious Guitar Festival on 29-30 April 2024. Our students participated with passion and enthusiasm in the courses given by the two teachers from Granada. Special thanks to Prof. Alberto Mesirca and Prof. Fabiano Merlante for organising the Guitar Festival.
Erasmus+ Project KA 131 2023
20/04/2024 – 25/04/2024
Thanks again to the Erasmus+ Programme, professor Stefano Canazza and students Matilde Pellizzari and Federica Durante participated in the production of Pergolesi’s Sabat Mater together with other students and teachers from five Italian conservatoires in collaboration with the Tallinn Academy.
Erasmus+ Project KA 131 2022
Lorenzo Tonon, jazz piano student at the Conservatorio Superior de Musica ‘Manuel Castillo’, Sevilla, Spain
Sara Fortini, jazz singing student at the MUSIARTE
Conservatório de Música e Arte Dramática, Maputo, Mozambico
Two very successful Erasmus+ mobility placements! Our students were able to support lecturers in teaching students and participate in artistic productions and concerts. Two examples of how the Erasmus+ project is a useful tool for the professional and personal training of students, equipping young people and participants of all ages with the qualifications and skills needed for meaningful participation in democratic society, intercultural understanding and a successful transition into the labour market.
Bach Project 2024
From 2 to 8 April 2024. Prof. Dirk Boris Kestel from the Ankara University State Conservatory in Turkey completed his mobility. During his visit, he gave a flute masterclass and honoured us with his performance. He, together with Erasmus+ students on mobility in our Conservatory and teachers, performed to the notes of Johann Sebastian Bach.
It is always a pleasure to welcome him!
Erasmus+ Project KA 131 2022
On April 26 and 27 2024 our Erasmus + Coordinator, Prof. Damiano Lazzaron, visited our historical partners at the Conservatorio Superior de Musica de Castilla y Leon in Salamanca, Spain to renew our collaboration and lay the foundations for a future Joint Master Degree project. On this occasion, he was also able to greet the colleagues from the Conservatorio Profesional de Musica de Amaniel, in Madrid, who are our precious allies in the realisation of post-graduate traineeships for our students.
Erasmus+ Student Concert
Ádám Pásztor, doctoral student at the HUAJA Academy in Bánska Štiavnica, Slovakia has recently started his Erasmus+ mobility for traineeship at our Conservatory. Ádám will honour us with his performance on March 22nd 2024, in the historical venue of Villa Barbarella.
Don’t miss out!
International mobility exchange from the Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music, Kiev.
It was an honour to welcome Prof. Bohdan Rumiantsev, Coordinator of International Relations of the Tchaikovsky Ukrainian National Academy of Music in Kiev, to our Conservatory. His visit took place from 14-15 March 2024. During his stay in Italy, we were able to plan future cooperation between our institutes within the KA 171 2024 project.
Conservatorio Superior de Valencia, Spain International Mobility Exchange
Mrs. Celia Gaspar Gimenez and Mrs. Pilar Latorre Paricio came to visit us for an exchange of best practices between our two conservatories between from 4 to 6 March 2024.
We returned the hospitality shown to us during our 2022 Staff Mobility!
Erasmus+ Students Concert
Erasmus+ Project KA 131 2023
Universidad Nacional de las Artes (UNA) International mobility exchange
Sebastián Pascual and Alejandra Dagostino, professors from the Universidad Nacional de las Artes in Buenos Aires, Argentina, visited us on 06 February 2024 on behalf of their institution to discuss future collaboration policies with the Conservatorio Agostino Steffani.
CSM Palencia Erasmus+ KA 122 incoming
Between January 15th and January 19th 2024 Director Enrique Abello Blanco of the Conservatorio de Música de Palencia (Spain) carried out an Erasmus+ mobility at our Conservatory and Liceo Giorgione to support his research about the music studies out of Spain, to observe the differences and the way the regular high school teaching is linked with the musical activities. His mobility is organised in the framework of the Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education – KA122-SCH.
Erasmus+ Project KA 171 2022
Yet another exchange with our partners from Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozabique. The mobility, held from 28 October to 7 November 2023, saw an exchange of good practice and teaching with UEM thatks to our teachers, Erasmus Coordinator Prof. Lazzaron, Prof. Zuccheri, Prof. Pagliari and Prof. Cacciatore. The mobility also contributed to a renewed collaboration between UEM, the Musiarte Institute and our Conservatory.
Erasmus+ Project KA 131 2021
A big thank you to our partners, the Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Getafe and the Conservatorio Superior de Música Amaniel de Madrid, for welcoming Antonio Minniti, Maria C. Zornosa Olaya and Eduardo A. Gonzales. Our students were able to complete a two weeks -15th to 31st October 2023- postgraduate traineeship in the Spanish institutions as part of the KA 131 2021 Programme.
Erasmus+ Project KA 131 2022
Our Director, Paolo Troncon, Vice Director, Federico Pelle, Erasmus Coordinator, Damiano Lazzaron and Chamber Music teacher, Filippo Faes, joined our partners at the Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz for a preliminary meeting to establish a Joint Master Degree between our two institutes.
The meeting took place on 22-23 October and will be the first step in a fruitful collaboration that will enable students to obtain a joint degree in Chamber Music.
Wonderful experience for our teachers, Prof Cozzini, Prof Lot and Prof Lazzaron, who spent four days -10th to 13th October 2023- teaching the students of Ankara University, Turkey, in the framework of Project KA 131 2022.
This experience is part of a continuous and fruitful exchange with Ankara University since 2021.
CSM Manuel de Falla International mobility exchange
Marcos Puente Olivera, Director of the Conservatorio Superior de Música Manuel de Falla in Bueno Aires, Argentina, payed us a visit on the 26th and 27th of September 2023. In collaboration with the International Office, the future development of project KA171 2023 was planned and several strategies of mobility were discussed. We look forward to cooperate again with our partner!
UNICAMP International mobility exchange
Prof. Eduardo D’Urso Hebling Expert from the International Office of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, in São Paulo, BrazilI came to visit us in April 2023 in view of the start of the KA 171 2023 project in which our institutes are partners. The Erasmus Coordinator, Prof. Damiano Lazzaron, was able to plan a series of actions aimed at increasing international cooperation with the teacher of the partner institute.
Erasmus+ Project KA 171 2021
The mobility of students Cecilia Mapanga, Jessica Cumbe, Leta Dimande and Luis Machava (March-July 2023) and teachers Timoteo Cuché and Delisa Chirindza (July 2023) from the Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo under the Erasmus project KA171 2022 has just ended. These mobilities increase and consolidate Steffani Conservatory’s mission aimed at building bridges of international cooperation.
NY City College International mobility exchange
The voice of vocalist Amy London, direct from Jazz City College in New York, for our Jazz festival in July 2023. With Ron Horton and conservatory lecturers, they gave a concert in the Arena of the Academic Theatre. In conjunction with the festival Professor London also gave jazz singing masterclasses to the students of our conservatory.